Help Democratic Candidates! Plan to Sign Candidates' Ballots on Sept. 9th, Sept. 10th, Sept. 16th, or Sept. 30th!in September!

An important part of a democracy is regular people stepping forward to serve the rest of us by running for public office. Here in Illinois, these folks need to collect signatures from voters to show they have enough support to be placed on the ballot. You can help! Sign up here for an appointment to sign petitions. By signing up in advance, you are helping us double check that we are collecting verified signatures of voters. (Drop-ins are welcome, but may have a wait while we verify your address.)

Choose from one of these four dates:

Saturday, Sept. 9, 10 a.m. to noon, at GPAD Offices, 1310 W. Northwest Hwy., Arlington Heights

Sunday, Sept. 10, 1 to 3 p.m. at GPAD Offices, 1310 W. Northwest Hwy., Arlington Heights

Saturday, Sept. 16, 10 a.m. to noon at GPAD Offices, 1310 W. Northwest Hwy., Arlington Heights

Saturday, Sept. 30, noon to 2 p.m. at the home of a GPAD volunteer. We'll email you the address after you sign up.

Please sign up here for your appointment to protect democracy!

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