Sign Candidates' Petitions and Help Democrats Get on the 2024 Ballot!!

We're trying something new: Sign up for a 10-minute appointment to sign petitions for the Democratic candidates running in your districts. We will have all the candidate petitions for everyone from Member of Congress down to Cook County Judge. By signing up for an appointment, we will be ready for you with all the correct petitions for your particular governmental districts. We can protect democracy AND be efficient!

Your Choice of FOUR Days!

Saturday, September 9, 10 a.m. to noon at GPAD Offices, 1310 W. Northwest Highway, Arlington Heights

Sunday, September 10, 1 to 3 p.m. at GPAD Offices, 1310 W. Northwest Highway, Arlington Heights

Saturday, September 16, 10 to noon at GPAD Offices, 1310 W. Northwest Highway, Arlington Heights

Saturday, September 30, noon to 2 p.m. Driveway Petition Rally at a home in north Palatine -- we'll email you the address after you sign up.

Sign up below!

Note: the software we use automatically labels the appointment times as "shifts." You want to choose a 10-minute slot for you to sign candidates' petitions. We are handling 4 appointments at a time. Thanks!

September 09, 2023 at 10:00am - September 17, 2023
GPAD Offices
1310 W Northwest Hwy
Arlington Heights, IL 60004
United States
Google map and directions
Nancy Tirado Alma Kubota John Eschbach Lynn Stanczuk Jerry Freda Natalie Warren Jennifer Borrell Karyl Friedman Susan Clarke Julie Rognstad Jane Russell Katya Mischenko Cindy Vogt Nicolle Grasse Frank Bauer Bonnie Campbell Amy Kauth Magda Roth Ann Anaya Lisa Goranson Krissy McMahon Donna Epton Janet Larson Linda Waycie Judy Janes Richard Swiss Paula Uscian Hal Snyder Patti Hand Barbara Knoff Joy Soderman Mary Neff

Who's RSVPing

Nancy Tirado
Alma Kubota
John Eschbach
Lynn Stanczuk
Jerry Freda
Natalie Warren
Jennifer Borrell
Karyl Friedman
Susan Clarke
Julie Rognstad
Jane Russell
Katya Mischenko
Cindy Vogt
Nicolle Grasse
Frank Bauer
Bonnie Campbell
Amy Kauth
Magda Roth
Ann Anaya
Lisa Goranson
Krissy McMahon
Donna Epton
Janet Larson
Linda Waycie
Judy Janes
Richard Swiss

Will you come?

Choose shifts
Sat, Sep 09: Sun, Sep 10: Sat, Sep 16: Sat, Sep 30:
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