May 24 Volunteer Meeting for Primary 2022

Primaries Matter-- People who vote in primary elections are much more likely to vote in general elections. We need MORE Democratic voters in this midterm year! Learn from Democratic State Central Committeewoman Nancy Shepherdson what YOU can do to help Democratic candidates WIN up and down the ballot! Sign up for lots of volunteer opportunities as we launch our campaign to Get Out The Vote for the June 28 Primary. We will have a limited number of yard signs and campaign swag for volunteers. This is an in-person meeting-- bring your friends, meet other Democratic volunteers, and let's get ready to WIN!

May 24, 2022 at 7:00pm - 9pm
GPAD offices
1310 W Northwest Hwy
Arlington Heights, IL 60004
United States
Google map and directions
Lucinda Sanders Melissa Ortega Julie Coletta Kathy Niekrasz Jerry Freda Kathryn Wise Kathy Feingold Jeanne Scown Judy Janes Linda Fleming Teresa Saunders Patti Hand Susan Macdonald Jim McGrath Joyce Slavik Joseph Gump Natalie Sahinoglu Maria Pelaez Peterson

Who's RSVPing

Lucinda Sanders
Melissa Ortega
Julie Coletta
Kathy Niekrasz
Jerry Freda
Kathryn Wise
Kathy Feingold
Jeanne Scown
Judy Janes
Linda Fleming
Teresa Saunders
Patti Hand
Susan Macdonald
Jim McGrath
Joyce Slavik
Joseph Gump
Natalie Sahinoglu
Maria Pelaez Peterson

Will you come?

Register to Vote Vote Volunteer