GPAD wins "Most Patriotic" Award at 2019 Palatine Fourth of July Parade!!!

Hey! Who is the most patriotic organization in Palatine??? According to the Palatine Jaycees, organizers of the Palatine Fourth of July Parade??? That's right-- US!! Greater Palatine Area Democrats!!! We won "Most Patriotic" entry in the 2019 Palatine Parade!!!!

Give yourselves a hand, dance around the room a bit. Patriotism calls out for our country to aim higher. Patriots stand up and demand that our nation work harder to meet the founding ideals of the Declaration--the "self-evident truths" that we are all equal, we all have the same rights. Be proud, Palatine Democrats! We are the MOST PATRIOTIC!!

Congratulations to the other parade winners! You are all fabulous!
Best of Parade: Palatine Gymnastics
Best Use of Theme: American Legion
Most Patriotic: Palatine Democrats
Best Musical: Palatine Public Library
Best Float: Sikh Religious Society
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