GPAD Tuesday Phonebanks to Swing States: Help Kamala and Tim WIN WIsconsin and Michigan!!

Every Tuesday we will be meeting at GPAD offices to phonebank to voters in Wisconsin and Michigan. You can also participate on Zoom from your home. TO SIGN UP: Sign up here, AND sign up at so that you get the link to join the call.

What to bring: To participate in these calls, you will need both your cell phone AND a separate device that can access the internet (i.e. a laptop, desktop, tablet, etc.) If possible, we recommend joining the Zoom from your separate device and NOT on your phone. Bring your charger cords as a back up.

No Tuesday phonebanks on Sept. 10 or Oct. 1. We will phonebank on Thursdays those weeks.

September 24, 2024 at 6:00pm - 8pm
GPAD Offices
1310 W Northwest Hwy
Arlington Heights, IL 60067
United States
Google map and directions
Sid Siddharth Lisa Jerome

Who's RSVPing

Sid Siddharth
Lisa Jerome

Will you come?

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