GPAD Election Night Online Shindig

Watch the election returns with your GPAD friends, online, from our living rooms. Register to get the link in your confirmation email.

November 03, 2020 at 7:00pm - 11pm
David Rosenthal Sherrie Marchi Ju Scholt Nathaniel Groh Lisa Goranson Ken Olson Lori Goldberg Mark Lundholm Sara Horan Bill Davis James Trevor Margaret Trevor Brian Larson Joseph Gump Amy Kauth Vicki Weber Lynn Stanczuk Barbara Hill Matt Flamm Debby Brauer Joyce Slavik Susan Macdonald Jerry Freda Lu Brigham Terri Klowden

Who's RSVPing

David Rosenthal
Sherrie Marchi
Ju Scholt
Nathaniel Groh
Lisa Goranson
Ken Olson
Lori Goldberg
Mark Lundholm
Sara Horan
Bill Davis
James Trevor
Margaret Trevor
Brian Larson
Joseph Gump
Amy Kauth
Vicki Weber
Lynn Stanczuk
Barbara Hill
Matt Flamm
Debby Brauer
Joyce Slavik
Susan Macdonald
Jerry Freda
Lu Brigham
Terri Klowden

Will you come?

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