Meet Cong. Mike Quigley AND Help Get More Democrats on This Year's Ballot!!!!

Calling volunteers in Palatine Township, Barrington Township and Ela Township! We now have more chances to get more Democrats elected!! We need lots of volunteers to get them on the June 28 ballot. Volunteer for the Jan. 15 Petition Drive! Congressman Mike Quigley will help kick off our efforts! Shifts are available! Public health protocols will be followed. Help collect signatures at our drive-through petition drive, sign up to pass signature sheets to your friends and family, meet down-ballot. AND If you just want to drive up, sign petitions, and meet candidates, please come!! We need you! Co-sponsored by Ela Township Democrats and Barrington Area Democratic Organization.

January 15, 2022 at 10:00am - 1pm
Deer Park Office Complex
21660 W Field Pkwy
Deer Park, IL 60010
United States
Google map and directions
Maria Galo ·
Carrie Carr Karen Deering William Brinkman Barrie Hinman Jerry Freda Ann Anaya Corryn Flahaven Matt Flamm Chelsea Laliberte Barnes Paula Uscian

Who's RSVPing

Carrie Carr
Karen Deering
William Brinkman
Barrie Hinman
Jerry Freda
Ann Anaya
Corryn Flahaven
Matt Flamm
Chelsea Laliberte Barnes
Paula Uscian

Will you come?

Choose shifts
Sat, Jan 15:
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