Feb. 25 South Carolina Democratic Debate!

Whew! Three Democratic Debates in February! Saving the best for last, watch the 2020 South Carolina Democratic Debate with your friends from Greater Palatine Area Democrats, NWS OFA-Indivisible, and Illinois Sixth Congressional District Democrats! The debate will be televised from Charleston, and is co-sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus Institute, in partnership with Twitter, and aired by CBS. We will have heard from Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada: what will the good folks in South Carolina tell us? Who will win the Feb. 29 South Carolina Democratic Primary?

February 25, 2020 at 7:00pm - 10pm
Northwest Suburban Democrats Office
1310 W Northwest Hwy
Arlington Heights, IL 60004
United States
Google map and directions
Maria Galo ·
Joseph Gump

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Joseph Gump

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