Fairness for All: July 19 Town Hall on Property Assessments with Cook Co. Assessor Fritz Kaegi

Progressive government is possible when property assessments are fair. Learn from Cook Co. Assessor Fritz Kaegi about the important work his office is doing to bring equity and justice to the Assessor's office, how that progress is under threat, and what we can do about it. Your link to the online Town Hall will be in your auto-confirmation email. Please check your spam filters if you do not see the email.

July 19, 2021 at 7:00pm - 8pm
Lori Goldberg Peter Sokop Jim McGrath Laura Davis Kathy Feingold Thakar Basati Susan Macdonald Peggy Pissarreck janet Sullivan

Who's RSVPing

Lori Goldberg
Peter Sokop
Jim McGrath
Laura Davis
Kathy Feingold
Thakar Basati
Susan Macdonald
Peggy Pissarreck
janet Sullivan

Will you come?

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