County Board President: Toni Preckwinkle
Since Toni Preckwinkle was first elected County Board President in 2010, she has worked to transform Cook County government with more transparency, more fiscal responsitiblity, and improved services. She has restored credibility to Cook County, with balanced budgets, resolving massive deficits, and providing additional pension payments of nearly $2 billion more than the required payments. See more here.
County Assessor: Fritz Kaegi
Fritz Kaegi has brought fairness, transparency and professionalism to the County Assessor's office, eliminating the favoritism and corruption of the previous administration. He has worked tirelessly to make sure that property assessments in Cook County are fair and accurate, so that Cook County residents know they won't have to pay more than their fair share of property taxes. See more here.
County Clerk: Karen A. Yarbrough
The first African American and the first woman Clerk of Cook County, Karen A. Yarbrough oversees one of the most extensive consolidated Clerk's offices in the country. She serves as the Chief Election Authority for suburban Cook County. In December 2020, her office also assumed all responsibilities of the former Recorder of Deeds Office. She recently received the nation's top achievement for election officials--being designated a Certified Elections Registration Administer, and also completed a multi-year Master's in Public Administration program from Auburn University. See more here.
County Sheriff: Thomas J. Dart
Thomas J. Dart has dedicated his career to challenging injustice, fighting violence in our communities, and bringing new, thoughtful approaches to public service. Under his leadership, wide-ranging reforms have introduced more humane, trauma-informed environments in the criminal justice system and correctional settings. He has introduced programming at Cook County Jail that give individuals skills to help them stop the revolving door of incarceration. See more here.
County Treasurer: Maria Pappas
The Cook County Treasurer's office has been turned into a model of efficiency and transparency by Maria Pappas, Treasurer since 1998. She authored the county's Debt Disclosure Ordinance, which tells taxpayers how much each government body is taxing them, both in the annual tax bill and online. As a result, the treasurer's website,, gets a million visits per month. See more here.
County Board Commissioner, 9th District: Maggie Trevor
With decades of experience as a business researcher, primarily in health care, Maggie Trevor is uniquely qualified to help lead the 9th District of Cook County as County Board Commissioner. A member of Rolling Meadows' Environmental Committee, and bicicyle liaison to the city's Traffic Committee, she brings a wide variety of perspectives that will help the County Board provide better health care access, particularly mental health, without political divisiveness. See more here.
County Board Commissioner, 14th District: Scott Britton
In the four years Scott Britton has served as County Board Commissioner of the 14th District, he has passed keynote legislation on raising the smoking age to 21, eliminating blue laws in suburban Cook County, expanded the number of languages which the ballot is translated to 14, provided for the first time renters' rights to nearly a quarter million people in suburban Cook County, and champion trust-building between police and the residents they serve. See more here.
County Board Commissioner, 15th District: Kevin B. Morrison
Kevin Morrison made history when he was elected to the 15th District in 2018: he was the youngest County Commissioner elected, the first LGBTQ Commissioner, and the first Democrat to win the 15th District. His election made history as he defeated the Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party. In his four years, Kevin has championed greater access to health care, particularly mental health services, small businesses, and a more fair and equitable assessment process, and worked to improve access for marginalized communities. In 2021 he was named and Edgar Fellow, a distinguished program founded by former Gov. Jim Edgar to develop a new generation of leaders who can reach all communities in Illinois in bipartisan leadership. See more here.
Board of (Tax) Review, 1st District: George A Cardenas
George Cardenas is a Deputy Floor Leader of the Chicago City Council, as Alderman of the 12th Ward. An accountant who joined the Navy to help pay for college, he worked for Fortune 500 companies before beginning his career in public service. With his accountant's background, Cardenas wants to bring his business background to the Board of Review. See more here.