Blue Trends in Recent Elections and Growth of Precinct Captain Program

The rise of Democratic voters in Palatine Township headed the January public meeting of Greater Palatine Area Democrats on Monday night. Despite snow and temperatures dropping into the single digits, nearly two dozen tough residents crowded into the meeting room at Palatine Public Library.

"You're the hardy ones," said Palatine Township Committeeman Matt Flamm. Participants paid rapt attention to Flamm's presentation of an analysis of the most recent election, which showed the bluing of Palatine Township in a series of color-coded maps. The analysis and maps were created by former intern Gretchen Coleman during her winter break from college.

The new precinct captain program promises to be an integral way to build community among residents who share common values, said Patrick Watson, the Democratic State Central Committeeman for the Illinois 6th District. More precinct captains are needed, particularly leading up to this summer, when Democratic presidential candidates will be launching their campaigns. Precinct captains are free to back their personal choices in primaries, Watson emphasized.

You can examine the election data by clicking on the big button at the top of the page, "Analysis of the 2018 General Election in Palatine Township"

To be a precinct captain, contact Patrick Watson here

The next public meeting of GPAD will be Monday, Feb. 25, 7 p.m. at Palatine Public Library. Don't miss it!

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