GPAD Appoints Maria Galo Interim Democratic Committeeperson for Palatine Township with New Treasurer, Secretary!

The Steering Committee of Greater Palatine Area Democrats on Feb. 12 voted to appoint Maria Galo as the Interim Democratic Committeeperson, replacing Matt Flamm, who resigned last week. Galo will be the Interim Committeeperson until the Cook County Democratic Party votes on a replacement at its annual meeting April 15.


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Share Your Patriotism and Love of Country with Our Friends to the North: Postcards to Wisconsin Voters Feb. 15!

Spend part of Presidents' Day Weekend exercising your freedoms of speech and assembly by gathering at the GPAD offices at 2 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 15, to write postcards to voters in Wisconsin! We are urging them to vote in their April 7 Presidential Primary! Practice your penmanship, exercise your fine motor skills and bring some postcard stamps--we are sharing our patriotism and love of country!! Sign up here!

New Hampshire Debate Watch Party THIS FRIDAY!! You know you want to be here

What the heck happened in Iowa? What does it mean for the rest of the primaries? One thing is for certain--- the New Hampshire primaries are now more important for voters to weigh in on their choices for the Democratic nominee. And then, of course, there is the Senate's vote on impeachment. Come to the NW Suburban Dem offices this Friday night to process through this very looonngg week, and start planning for a better future. Because we all have work to do to build a better future. Sign up here!

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