Good leadership is not just about standing front and center. Good leaders also work behind the scenes to help others step up. For the Illinois Sixth Congressional District Democrats, our Matt Flamm is one of those leaders. As the Palatine Township Democratic Committeeperson, Flamm will be honored at the Jan. 19 One Year Countdown Awards Luncheon at St. Andrews Golf and Country Club in West Chicago. Flamm stands out for his role in securing recent Democratic victories in Palatine Township. Flamm helped flip seats at the Cook County Board when Democrats Kevin Morrison and Scott Britton were elected in 2018--as well as helping Ill. Sen. Ann Gillespie win the 27th Illinois Senate seat. He has advised candidates for school boards and library boards. And, of course, he greatly assisted the campaigns of U.S. Congressmen Raja Krishnamoorthi and Sean Casten, who now represent all of Palatine Township.
Flamm helped Democrats succeed in Palatine Township by "guiding candidates in creating good messages for the voters and teaching new volunteers techniques for getting those messages out," said Nancy Shepherdson, Democratic Committeewoman for the Illinois Sixth Congressional District in an email. He organized voter lists "to make sure Palatine Dems are talking to the right people," she said.
"And he has done a great deal to make people aware of the Palatine Dems," she said. By making sure Palatine Democrats are participating in events like the Climate March and Palatine Streetfest, and supervising the creation of attractive brochures, Flamm is "hosting events to attract new activist Democrats," Shepherdson said. "He has even run for State Representative himself (in 2010) and loves knocking on doors and talking to voters about Democratic values." Flamm is currently running for a judgeship in the 13th Judicial Subcircuit of Cook County.
Also receiving recognition at the luncheon: Vaseem Iftekhar of the Northern Illinois American Muslim Alliance; Cynthia Borbas, Democratic Party of DuPage County Chair; and the Illinois AFL-CIO. U.S. Congressman Sean Casten, IL-6th, will help recognize the award winners.
Palatine Democrats can honor Matt as well as the other award winners by attending the luncheon on Sunday, Jan. 19. The keynote speaker is Jill Wine-Banks, former Watergate prosecutor and MSNBC contributor. Individual tickets are $50-- you can register online here. Checks are payable to Sixth Congressional District Democrats, P.O. Box 671, Lake Zurich, IL 60047. RSVP to [email protected], 630-947-4865. St. Andrews Golf and Country Club is located at 2241 Rt 59, West Chicago.
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