Re-surgency: April Election Candidates Next Goal For Progressive Groups

Just a week after the November elections, the northwest suburbs have TWO meetings on Tuesday to help new candidates running in the April 2 local elections!


Both meetings start at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 13

  • "Learn How You Can Run for Local Office" will be held Nov. 13, 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Elk Grove Township Center, 2400 S. Arlington Heights Road, Arlington Heights. Just north of I-90. Offered by Greater Palatine Area Democrats. Sign up here.
  • Palatine, Inverness women! Terri Gens, one of the organizers of We the People -- Mt. Prospect: "Good people elected to local offices are vital to strong and vibrant communities. Join us for the next We The People meeting TUESDAY to find out more about running for office, and to meet people who are interested in running for office. What is important to you about our local school districts, village governance, park districts and libraries? This meeting is for MP, AH, and Palatine area interests, but others welcome too!" You can sign up through the Brown Bag Progressives Facebook Group.

Park district, school district, village council: these seats--and more!-- are calling out for candidates like you. We have choices! Isn't it GREAT to have choices? Candidates need to collect signatures in time for filing deadlines that start Dec. 10 and run through Dec. 17. Now it is your turn!


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  • Rob Nesvacil
    commented 2018-11-12 09:46:15 -0600
    Hi Maria – I’m already on the Arlington Hts. Park Board and will be running for re-election next spring. I know Matt well and have led a similar version of this session back when Sue was Palatine Township Committeeman. :) Cheers.
  • Maria Galo
    commented 2018-11-12 08:56:05 -0600
    Hi Rob! All the good stuff happens at the same time! You can contact Ward Committeeman Matt Flamm for a one-on-one meeting: [email protected]. We’ll also post other meetings for would-be candidates as they are announced. We’re not going to let things like schedule conflicts keep us down!
  • Rob Nesvacil
    commented 2018-11-12 08:08:17 -0600
    Can’t make either one – park district meeting is the same night.
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