Help us get out the vote!

We’re trying to make sure Democrats vote in the March 18th primary. There are several ways you can help:

1. If you’re willing to send our message to people you know in Palatine Township, I’ll send you an email that you can forward to people you know with a short message from you. If you’d prefer to mail them, our mail piece has a blank section that you can use to write a short message. If you send me your message, we’ll print it on labels that we can apply to the mailer. We can even include your signature. Let me know how many people you know in Palatine Township.

2. We’re calling Democratic voters every Wednesday and Sunday until Election Day at the office of the Palatine Township Democrats, 1310 W. Northwest Highway, Arlington Heights. The Sunday phone banks will run from 4pm until 6pm, and the Wednesday ones will run from 6pm until 8pm. If you can volunteer for one phone bank, that would be a great help.

3. Finally, don’t forget to vote (and to make sure your family members vote). Whether you vote by mail, in person at an early voting site, or on Election Day, please be sure to vote.

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