GPAD Volunteers Make 2024 Parades and Hometown Fest Booth a SUCCESS!

THANK YOU to the dozens of volunteers who came out to walk in TWO parades and staff the GPAD Booth for TWO days at Palatine Hometown Fest this year! Familiar faces showed up when needed, and new faces turned up, eager to make a difference and help save our democracy. Thanks to all the volunteers, Democrats are growing strong in Palatine Township!

We had a steady stream of families stopping at our booth at Hometown Fest, making guesses about how much candy we had in a jar to win a plush stuffed donkey--and to share their values and concerns about the future of our country.

This year, our democracy is on the line and we need everyone to vote for Democrats, from the President to County Judge.

The turnout of our volunteers over the last week gives hope that We Can Do It!

Please check the Calendar in the menu for upcoming opportunities to volunteer and help us save democracy.

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  • Bruni Johnson
    commented 2024-07-17 13:04:31 -0500
    Sorry could not make the parade.
    Can you contact Adam Schiff to request to support President Biden. Or is he one of those democratic sharks wanting to run for president. Biden is the best we have and we must support him.
    How can I contact him?
  • Maria Galo
    published this page in Blog 2024-07-08 21:20:18 -0500
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