Democratic Sample Primary Ballot

TO REGISTER TO VOTE: Register online at through June 12. Or, go to an Early Voting site with two pieces of identification, one with your current address. Or, register at your polling place on Election Day. For more information, go to

TO VOTE EARLY: Early Vote at 150 W. Wilson St. Palatine June 13-27 or at Rolling Meadows Courthouse, 2121 W. Euclid Ave., Rolling Meadows, starting May 19. Info: or call 312-603-0906.

TO VOTE BY MAIL: You can apply online at or phone 312-603-0946, no later than June 23. You may drop off your ballot at any Early Voting site until June 27. If you mail your ballot, the envelope must be SIGNED and POSTMARKED by Election Day (June 28) in order to be counted.

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