Celebrate Democracy with GPAD!! Join us for Fourth of July Parades and Hometown Fest!!!

Greater Palatine Area Democrats is a proud sponsor of the Palatine Jaycees Hometown Fest! And we are marching in TWO Fourth of July parades!! We need LOTS of volunteers to set up our booth at the Jaycees Hometown Fest on Friday, June 30. AND we need lots of volunteers to staff our booth on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, July 1 and July 2. AND MORE we are walking in the Palatine Fourth of July Parade on Saturday, July 1, and then the Rolling Meadows Fourth of July Parade on Tuesday, July 4. Lots of ways to volunteer!!

To sign up for the June 1 Palatine Fourth of July Parade: https://www.gpadems.org/4th_of_july_parade_2023_palatine

To sign up for the July 4 Rolling Meadows Fourth of July Parade:https://www.gpadems.org/4th_of_july_parade_2023_rolling_meadows

To sign up to help set up and/or staff the GPAD booth at Palatine Hometown Fest: https://www.gpadems.org/palatine_hometown_fest_gpad_booth

Candidates and electeds are welcome!!!


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