Surprising Places Where Democrats Are Finding Support

"I'm so tired of these lying men," said the older, strong Republican-leaning woman in Arlington Heights to a canvasser. "We need to elect more women!" As canvassers fanned out across the Northwest Suburbs these last weeks before Nov. 6, many registered voters told them they planned to vote for Democrats. What else are voters telling canvassers? How can you be an integral part of this last, incredible week of campaigning?

"Are you here for Casten? I'm voting for him," another older, strong Republican-leaning woman in Palatine told a canvasser. "I'm sick of what these Republican men are doing."

"I'm voting all blue," an Arlington Heights man and sometime-voter told a Maggie Trevor canvasser. Trevor is running against Tom Morrison for the 54th District in the Illinois Legislature.

"What I'm seeing when I knock on doors, is that a lot of people are wanting to get involved, and for a lot of them it is for the first time," Ann Gillespie, candidate for the Illinois Senate's 27th District, said at the October Greater Palatine Area Democrats fundraiser. "People who have voted Republican their whole lives can't do it anymore. People who have never voted now want to vote," she said. "The prevailing winds are with our values."

We cannot be complacent!! Face-to-face contact is the most powerful tool we have to flip our districts. Pick a day -- or two or three-- to canvass. Pick a candidate! Pretend you are an extrovert (just for a few hours). Wear layers and comfortable walking shoes. Start knocking on doors!

Maggie Trevor for Illinois 54th Legislative District: Northwest Suburban Democrats Office, 1310 W. Northwest Hwy, Suite 111, Arlington Heights. Stop in to canvass anytime, 10-7. For more information

Ann Gillespie for Illinois 27th Senate District: Gillespie Campaign Office, 112 E. Wing St., Arlington Heights. Sign up here:

Sean Casten for Congress: DCCC Battlestation HQ, every day, 141 S. Northwest Hwy., Barrington. This weekend into Election Day, Get Out The Vote (GOTV) Staging Locations: IEA Office, 553 N. North Court, Palatine.

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