GPAD Democratic Caucus Dec. 1

For the first time since 2009, Democratic candidates have stepped forward to run as a slate for Palatine Township Board. You are invited to attend the Democratic Caucus this Tuesday, Dec. 1, where we will vote on the Democratic slate. In light of the pandemic we encourage online participation. We'll nominate candidates for Township Supervisor, Township Clerk, Highway Commissioner, Township Assessor and four Township Board members. If you are interested in running, please contact Maria Galo asap at [email protected]. Sign up for the Caucus here.  Everyone needs to sign an affadavit confirming they are residents of Palatine Township, and that they are Democrats. Once you sign up we'll contact you with information on the required affadavits, proxy votes, and the link for the WebEx meeting.

Ways You Can Help Georgia Democratic Senate Campaigns

The Senate races in Georgia are incredibly important. Here is how you can help:

Indivisible is organizing letters to Georgia voters here.

This site has links to ways to phonebank, send postcards, and help get out the vote.

Other organizations have additional phonebanking opportunities: Fair Fight, Black Voters Matter, and both campaigns (Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock).


For out-of-state volunteers, letter writing and postcards is yet another way to help. You can request a bundle of postcards and addresses at Postcards will be mailed Dec. 26-28th.


And, watch for NWSOFA-Indivisible's Nov. 30 Day of Action, details are TBA.



Results of Dist. 54th Race: Let's Get to Work

Maggie Trevor on Friday conceded the Illinois 54th House race. This one hurts. In 2018, Maggie came within 43 votes of winning this seat. This year, just as she did before, Maggie ran a campaign that was progressive, brave, honest, and caring. She prioritized health care, tax reform, equality in education, environmental protections and good faith government. In doing so, Maggie has laid a strong foundation for future Democratic leaders in Palatine Township and the 54th District.  As she wrote in her concession post on her Facebook page, "Now is the time to turn our focus to upcoming municipal races, to further grow our party, and to rally behind our promising office holders, activists, and future candidates who will turn the 54th blue in 2022."

Let's get to work.

Photo: Democratic Committeeperson Maria Galo on the left, Maggie Trevor on the right at a Black Lives Matter Rally at Margreth Riemer Reservoir, June 4, 2020. 

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