Congratulations, Candidates! Thank you, GPAD Volunteers! On to Victory in November!

Congratulations to Nabeela Syed and her historic campaign for becoming our Democratic nominee for the 51st State House District! And congratulations also to Chelsea Laliberte Barnes for her heroic campaign. It was a tough, hard-fought primary race, and I want to thank both candidates for rising to the challenge and focusing on issues. You both do honor to yourselves, our voters, and the democratic process. Having two highly talented young women running for state representative here is an embarrassment of riches. I hope more young people are inspired and run for local office.

Congratulations also to Maggie Trevor, who WON her tough primary for the 9th District of the Cook County Board. Maggie walked her district and knocked on thousands of doors. We know she is the best candidate. 

Joe Gump, running for the 13th subcircuit judicial seat, right now is ahead a little over 100 votes--we'll see how mail ballot votes turn out in the next few days.

But most of all, THANK YOU to the volunteers of Greater Palatine Area Democrats. You collected thousands of signatures, knocked on hundreds of doors, wrote hundreds of postcards, made hundreds of phone calls, and stood for hours in the hot summer sun, handing out sample Democratic ballots to voters at Early Voting and on Election Day. Thanks also to the Nabeela Syed and Joe Gump campaigns, who helped hand out sample Democratic ballots at both Early Voting and on Election Day. Because of your help, we were able to give sample ballots to voters on every day of Early Voting and at most high-traffic voting places.

This is how WE WIN.

Now, it's on to Victory in November!

Help Remind Mail Voters to VOTE!!

Every election, a surprisingly large numbers of mail-in ballots are never returned.

Help remind mail-ballot voters to vote! We're calling people in Palatine Township who ordered Democratic mail-in ballots to remind them to fill out and return their mail ballots. Multiple shifts are available this week--click here to choose an evening to call!!

Help Hand Out Sample Ballots at Palatine Early Voting!

Early Voting starts Monday, June 13! You can help elect more Democrats by helping to hand out sample Democratic ballots at Palatine Early Voting! We'll be out in pairs greeting Democratic voters. Two-hour shifts are available. Sign up here.

Register to Vote Vote Volunteer