Holiday Party Dec. 6 and Drive for $10 Gift Cards for Partners for Our Communities

Join us for a holiday party as we look ahead to the new year. Find out how we plan to Win More in 2024!! Also, we will be collecting socks, underwear, gloves and hats and $10 gift cards to Aldi, Butera and Walmart for Partners for Our Communities, which is helping migrants in the suburbs. Clothing is needed in children's sizes, or adults small or medium. POC prefers the $10 cards so they can distribute them to more individuals, so if you wish, please donate several $10 cards. Please sign up so we know how much food to buy! Looking forward to seeing you!!! Sign up here!


More than 3,000 Signatures!

THANK YOU to all our volunteers and candidates who helped us collect more than 3,000 total signatures this fall to help put Democratic candidates on the ballot for the March 19, 2024 primary! I especially want to highlight Joanne Dill, Janine Goodsite, Tracey Coleman, Judy Janes, Janet Sullivan, Kelly Godaski, Linda Fleming, Magda Roth, Joyce Slavik, Joy Soderman, Natalie Sahinoglu, and John Eschbach for knocking on doors to collect signatures for our Congressional candidates, Illinois House candidates, and county-wide candidates. We could not have reached our goal without you!! This Sunday we were Signin' with Biden, eating pizza getting our final petitions notarized and counted before we turn them over to our candidates. Joining us were several candidates: Pablo DeCastro, new candidate Circuit Court Judge; MWRD candidate Dan "Pogo" Pogorzelski who took the photo and 12th Circuit Judicial candidates Alon Stein and Frank Andreaou who brought donuts. Pizza and donuts--campaign food staples. Thank you, everyone!

November Meeting on Ranked Choice Voting

We're looking at Ranked Choice Voting at this Thursday's monthly meeting. Are voters' true intentions better represented by a ranking of choices or by just choosing one candidate for each post? Join volunteers, supporters and candidates for a discussion! Please sign up here so we know you are coming!

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