Some of the 2,600 Federal Programs the Republicans Want to Defund
One week after Inauguration Day, the Republicans who control our federal government announced they were stopping ("pausing") federal funding for 2,600 federal programs that help help children, seniors, the needy, veterans, medical research, mental health, the disabled, and basically everything that is paid for with our tax money. Our taxes belong to The People, but the Republicans who control our federal government appear to be making a major money grab. The New York Times (I know, I know) has an interactive listing of every program Republicans are targeting so you can learn more about each program. Here are some --some!-- of the programs Republicans want to cut:
They WANT Us To Be Overwhelmed--Let's Unite to Fight Back
The Republican onslaught on all aspects of federal government makes it hard to decide what to fight first, doesn't it? That's their plan--they WANT us to be overwhelmed so we don't know what to do. Join us Thursday, Feb. 6, as we look at what Saturday's election of DNC leadership means for us, and what we CAN DO here in Palatine Township. For one, we have Local Elections here on April 1!! Many of our supporters have been working hard since the November election to prepare for these local, municipal elections. We can't let the Republican chaos and destruction in Washington infect our schools, libraries, villages or townships. Local candidates are welcome to attend and talk about what they will do to help our community thrive in the next four years. Please sign up here:
How We Can Help Our Friends and Neighbors in Palatine Township
It's a new year, full of new opportunities to focus on making our corner of the world a better place. Before Christmas, the Republican Congress killed federal funding that would have, among other crucial services, continued funding senior services and help the homeless not just across the country but here in the northwest suburbs. While we can't fight that particular Republican heartlessness right now, we can make sure we are helping our friends and neighbors here in Palatine Township who need help.
This April 1st, we voters in Palatine Township get to vote on a referendum to create a mental health board. I think all of us know someone who is dealing with depression, anxiety, other mental health issues, developmental disabilities or addictions. Providing more resources for people facing these issues will help prevent homelessness, support our local seniors, and make Palatine Township a happier, thriving community. However, we expect well-funded opposition to the mental health board referendum. Come to our Monthly Volunteer Meeting this Thursday, Jan. 9, to find out more about this initiative, how it works, and most importantly, how you can help now to help pass this referendum--and make Palatine Township a better place for everyone. Kindly sign up here so we know how many are coming!